Movements begin when people are pushed and motivated by a cause that is greater than themselves.

In the case of project stay gold, young people, students have identified a global issue, are committed to this cause, and are proposing real solutions to confront and abolish human-trafficking and modern-day slavery.

Facing the shocking statistics of our day: there are an estimated 27 million slaves around the world; the largest number in human history. Human Trafficking is the worlds second largest illegal crime, in addition, 100,000 humans are trafficked throughout the United States each year.

Project Stay Gold desires to start the conversation.

Using the power of education we hope to raise awareness, advocate for abolition, and support rescue and prevention missions. Project stay gold seeks to awaken a modern-day abolitionist movement among the students inside our schools and our classrooms. Young people are highly sensitive to issues of injustice and are motivated by empathy to make a difference and to bring about positive change in our world. Project stay gold believes that our students have the capacity to be the history makers of today.